Juniper Division
Juniper Flights by Lleego, the technology that simplifies flight distribution
Revolutionizing the flight booking sector by combining the market-leading Booking Engine with Lleego’s technology.

Juniper Division
Revolutionizing the flight booking sector by combining the market-leading Booking Engine with Lleego’s technology.
Juniper Travel Technology presents Juniper Flights by Lleego, a new division that redefines the way flights are booked. This division emerges as a result of the acquisition of Lleego and strengthens the flights vertical of Juniper Booking Engine.
This acquisition is an essential part of Juniper’s strategy to remain leaders in technological solutions for the tourism sector, creating an integrated technological platform for flight distribution aimed at travel agencies, tour operators, airlines, and other companies in the tourism industry.
Technology Innovation
Juniper Flights by Lleego combines the Juniper Booking Engine solution with Lleego’s technology to provide advanced tools that optimize flight bookings.
The platform merges the Juniper Booking Engine modules, Business Intelligence, and Regular Flights (GDS and NDC’s) with Lleego’s products. The result of this union generates an innovative platform that changes the global flight distribution model.
Juniper Travel Technology Business unit
Lleego joins the business portfolio of Juniper Travel Technology.
This addition will enhance Lleego’s business unit, facilitating its growth and global expansion.
API connection to HUB Flights integrations.
Comprehensive flight distribution management.
Relevant data of your business.
Lleego se suma al porfolio empresarial de Juniper Travel Technology.
Esta incorporación potenciará la unidad de negocio de Lleego, facilitando su crecimiento y expansión a nivel global.